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Notifikasi SPS Negara Anggota WTO 



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Ringkasan Notifikasi SPS Negara Anggota WTO

Notifikasi SPS Negara Anggota WTO

Nopember I pdf rar
  II pdf rar
  III pdf rar
  IV pdf rar
Oktober  I pdf rar
  II pdf rar
  III pdf rar
  IV pdf rar
September I pdf rar
  II pdf rar
  III pdf rar
  IV pdf rar
Agustus I pdf rar
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  IV pdf rar
Juli I pdf rar
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Juni I pdf rar
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Mei I pdf rar
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April I pdf rar
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Maret I pdf rar
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Februari I pdf rar
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Januari I pdf rar
  II  pdf rar
  III pdf rar
  IV pdf rar
Bulan Minggu ke- Ringkasan Notifikasi SPS Negara Anggota WTO Notifikasi SPS Negara Anggota WTO
Desember I pdf rar
  II pdf rar
  III pdf rar
  IV none none
November I pdf rar
  II pdf rar
  III pdf rar
  IV pdf rar
Oktober  I pdf rar
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  IV pdf rar
September  I pdf rar
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  III pdf rar
  IV pdf rar
Agustus I pdf rar
   II pdf rar
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Juli I pdf rar
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Juni I pdf rar
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Mei I pdf rar
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April I pdf rar
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Maret I pdf rar
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Februari I pdf rar
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Januari I pdf rar
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  IV pdf rar



Ringkasan Notifikasi SPS Negara Anggota WTO

Notifikasi SPS Negara Anggota WTO

Agustus pdf rar
Juli pdf rar
Juni pdf rar
Mei pdf rar
April pdf rar
Maret pdf rar
Februari pdf rar
Januari pdf rar
Desember pdf rar
Nopember pdf rar
Oktober pdf rar
September pdf rar
Agustus pdf rar
Juli pdf rar
Juni pdf rar
Mei pdf rar
April pdf rar
Maret pdf rar
Februari pdf rar
Januari pdf rar
Desember pdf rar
Nopember pdf rar
Oktober pdf rar
September pdf rar
Agustus pdf rar
Juli pdf rar
Juni pdf rar
Mei pdf rar
April pdf rar
Maret pdf rar
Februari pdf rar
Januari pdf rar
Desember pdf rar
Nopember pdf rar
Oktober pdf rar
September pdf rar
Agustus pdf rar
Juli pdf rar
Juni pdf rar
Mei pdf rar
April pdf rar
Maret pdf rar
Februari pdf rar
Januari pdf rar



No. Forum Kerjasama Dokumen
1. ATIGA pdf
2. AANZFTA pdf
3. Indonesia - Chile CEPA pdf
4. Indonesia - Australia CEPA pdf
5. ASEAN Hogkong FTA pdf
6. Indonesia-EFTA CEPA pdf



No. Judul Dokumen
1. ASEAN Standard for Cocoa Bean pdf
2. ASEAN Standard for Oyster Mushroom pdf
3. ASEAN Standard for Peanuts pdf
4. ASEAN Standard for Sugar Apple pdf
5. ASEAN Standard for Sweet Potato pdf
6. ASEAN Standard for Tea pdf
7. ASEAN Standard for Sweet Tamarind pdf
8. ASEAN Standard for Organic Agriculture pdf
9. ASEAN Standard Requirement for Foot and Mouth Disease Vaccine for Pigs, Inactivated pdf
10. Manual of ASEAN Standard for Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) for Animal Vaccines pdf
11. ASEAN Good Animal Husbandry Practices for Layers and Broilers Food Safety Module pdf
12. ASEAN Rabies Elimination Strategy pdf
13. Guidelines on ASEAN Good Aquaculture Practices (ASEAN GAqP) for Food Fish pdf
14. ASEAN Standard Requirements for Foot and Mouth Disease Vaccine for Cattle and Buffaloes, Inactivated pdf



Perjanjian SPS Dokumen
Memorandum of Understanding between Members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) pdf
Implementation Agreement for ASEAN-German Programme on Response to Climate Change : Agriculture, Forestry and Related Sectors (GAP-CC) pdf
ASEAN Plus Three Emergency Rice Reserve Agreement pdf
Agreement between the Governments of the Member States of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and the Republic of Korea on Forest Cooperation pdf
Memorandum of Understanding on ASEAN Co-Operation in Agriculture and Forest Products Promotion Scheme pdf
Memorandum of Understanding between the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Secretariat and the Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China on Agricultural Cooperation pdf
Protocol to Amend the Agreement for the Establisment of ASEAN Animal Health Trust Fund pdf
ASEAN - China MoU on SPS pdf
ASEAN Statement on Strengthening Forest Law Enforcement and Governance (FLEG) pdf